• Department of Medical Chemistry –
  • Department of Anatomy –
  • Department of Biochemistry
  • Department of histology with embryology
  • Department of Physiology
  • Department of Microbiology with parasitology
  • Department of pathological anatomy
  • Department of pathological physiology
  • Department of Pharmacology with Toxicology
  • Department of Immunology –
  • Department of Epidemiology with Statistics and Informatics
  • Department of Social Medicine
  • Department of forensic medicine
  • Department of Medical Ethics
  • Department of Nuclear Medicine
  • Department of Radiology
  • Department of Internal Medicine
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Department of Infectious Diseases
  • Department of Neurology –
  • Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
  • Department of oncology with radiotherapy
  • Department of Dermatovenereology
  • Department of Surgery
  • Department of orthopedics –
  • Department of ophthalmology
  • Department of Otorhinolaryngology
  • Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • Department of anesthesia with resuscitation
  • Department of hygiene
  • Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Department of Transfusiology –
  • Department of Occupational Medicine
  • Department of Human Genetics –