The Dean’s Office is a management body of the Faculty and has 11 members.

The Dean’s Office consists of:

  • the Dean;
  • the Vice-Deans;
  • one head of the departments of the surgical branches of medicine (surgery, ORL, ophthalmology, orthopedics, anesthesiology and reanimation, gynecology and obstetrics);
  • one manager of the departments of the internist branches of medicine (radiology, internal medicine, pediatrics, dermatovenerology, neurology, infectology, oncology, transfusiology, physical medicine, psychiatry, primary health care);
  • one head of the departments of the basic branches of medicine that do not have application activities and preventive branches (anatomy, medical ethics and medical chemistry social medicine, epidemiology, hygiene and occupational medicine);
  • two managers of institutes that carry out healthcare activity (pathology, microbiology and parasitology, forensic medicine, pathophysiology, physiology, pharmacology with toxicology, immunology, biochemistry, histology with embryology, nuclear medicine);
  • president of the Student Parliament.

The mandate of the representatives of the Dean’s Office is 4 years. In the work of the Dean’s Office, the secretary of the Faculty participates without the right to decide.
The Dean’s Office is convened and the Dean is chaired by the sessions.
The selection of the heads of the Dean’s Office from the departments is carried out by secret ballot by the heads of the departments of the respective branches of medicine (surgical, internist, basic), upon the proposal of the dean.